Friday, July 15, 2016

Foodie Friday

Earlier in the week, the Mr. told me he was taking off Friday, so I also put in for Friday off. Yesterday, he said he wasnt taking today off, but it was too late for me to change my leave request. I have been enjoying my time off, starting with breakfast at Gladys'...
afterwards, I went to Fruit Bowl...
observed a jar Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup. Exotic...
thought of FF...
lunch was some BBQ Tofu and Steamed Cabbage enjoyed at Trenchtown Rock. Some Fries came later as well...
am posting this before dinner, but on the menu is the rest of the dinner I carried out from Ma's Vegi Deli yesterday, Chili on Green Bananas and Casava. Strange looking, I know, gotta adjust your eyes...
then I plan to open my pint of Fudge Brownie for dessert...
Lots more to come. Bye for now.


  1. Aww too bad you didn't get to spend the day together but it looks like you certainly enjoyed some delicious meals. I have an avocado ripening on the counter and your breakfast is making me wish it would hurry! Lunch looks fantastic, I love that they served it with cabbage! The infused water looks really refreshing. It must be so hot there. It has been humid here and I hate it, ha! Hooray for ice cream! Hope you enjoy it :)

    1. The heat down here is bad, but not like the humidity of the mid-atlantic region. God how I hated thise DC summers.

  2. I hope the Mister makes it up to you, by taking you snorkeling and buying a new underwater camera! Ha ha! But it looks like you made the most of it! Is the BBQ tofu coated with something or fried? It looks tasty. Chili and bananas... I'm going to believe you that it is great!

    1. I bought a new camera, just have to take pics when I dive, even if 99% dont come out. The Mr. paid for the protective housing ($250!). The Tofu did appear breaded, which was unusual for them, they dont usually make it that way. Very delicious. Green Bananas taste very much like Potatoes;-)

  3. Delicious day! That fancy water at the fruit bowl looks sooooo refreshing...i would have loitered to enjoy that. The tofu and cabbage combo sounds great to me, so the cabbage can get the extra saucey stuff.
    Yay for vegan ice cream dessert!
