Sunday, July 12, 2015

Sam & Jack's Deli

We took the ferry to St. John yesterday. Based on this episode of Caribbean Life, we already knew  of Sam and Jack's Deli...
Upon docking, we walked about a half mile up hill to the 3rd floor of The Marketplace...
We got to meet the star of the episode, Samantha, and also partake of some great food...
My 'Build Your Own' Sandwich with Artichokes, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Hummus and Sprouts $11. Very high quality ingredients...
after that delicious start, we walked back towards the dock and rented a Jeep to tour the Island..
driving from Cruz Bay to Coral Bay we saw some wild Donkeys on the side of the road...
developers are trying to turn tiny Coral Bay into a mega-yacht marina, destroying the natural habitats of Turtles and other gentle creatures, so if you got any extra money laying around, there is a Go Fund Me Page to Save Coral Bay...
heading back towards Cruz Bay we stopped to look at Maho Bay...
this guy was loving life...
Trunk Bay...
waiting to depart for St. Thomas, we saw some lucky Water Pups...
another one...
this guy was selling Coconuts at the dock for a dollar each. Wouldnt you know he put down the machete right before I took the pic...
Check out that guy's dreds. Said he had been growing them for 18 years...
some more beauty upon arrival in the Red Hook parking lot
Lots more food and pics coming up this week. Bye for now.


  1. That's a gorgeous sandwich you constructed there! The bread looks really good too....
    What a fun way to spend the day- do you just live in a swimsuit so you can take advantage of all the amazing beaches and bays everywhere??!
    I would have definitely bought a coconut from that guy. Those look like happy wet dogs!

    1. I was sort of wishing i had brought a swimsuit when I saw Maho Bay, but then again, the Jeep Rental place had a zillion rules about no sand, no lotion etc. Yeah a $1 for a fresh Coconut is a great deal. I paid $3 for one a couple weeks ago. You will be gorging on the fresh produce in a couple weeks anyway.

  2. That's a mighty pretty sammie, but the shots of the island are positively breathtaking!

  3. I love all the island pictures! I want that sandwich like now! I'm glad it's settling down for you, and the scene is just so gorgeous! I'm finally moving into my place today, and Dylan and the rest are coming with me, so hopefully smooth sailing for awhile.

  4. Wow! St. John is awesome! Love sprouts on a sandwich, and build your own sandwiches in general! What beautiful beaches, especially Trunk Bay. It's so frustrating that people are driven by money rather than natural beauty, I hope Coral Bay doesn't go the way of destruction!

  5. Oooh what a great sandwich! It definitely looks amazing and the ingredients look incredible! Love all the critter pics and I love the idea of sipping a freshly cracked coconut :) gorgeous scenic shots!
